New Kids on the Block, Paula Abdul, and DJ Jazzy Jeff Take the West Palm Beach Crowd Back to the Future with a Spectacular Blast of...
X-Golf Brings Year-Round Golfing to South Florida with Cutting-Edge Indoor Simulators and Comprehensive Training Tools.
Steve-O unsurprisingly gives fans a shocking great night of laughs in South Florida.
Joy and Heartbreak Intertwine in Mamma Mia! at the Kravis Center: A Captivating Tale of Identity, Love and Unbreakable Bonds.
From the Screen to the Stage, Bluey’s Big Play Delights Families at Kravis Center.
Get Ready for Wild Stories and Extreme Comedy as Steve-O Brings His Forbidden Show to the Kravis Center. The iconic entertainer chats about what to expect...
The Kravis Center Brings You a Truly Out-of-the-World Experience with Space Explorers: The Infinite.
In the Eye of the Storm: Highlights from the Governor’s Hurricane Conference 2024.
From Levitation to Disappearing Acts, Rob Lake Mesmerizes the Kravis Center with His Extraordinary Illusion
Behind the Curtain with Magician Rob Lake.